365 Days

“In the day to day tangle of life, it’s easy to let go of the things that provide that focus, and calm and perspective,” writes Fitz Cahall. “I find that serenity so easily in wilderness. How do we carry that home?” While on a trip to Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, Fitz resolved to do something back in “regular life” to try to tap into that quietness every day, for one year.

Music: Wide Eyed by Stillborn Identity    •    Eclosion by Salmo    •    Shoulda Said Something by Unquiet Nights

Tracks provided by Mevio’s Music Alley and Free Music Archive. Additional music by the one and only Amy Stolzenbach.


3 Comments on “The Shorts — 365 Days

  1.  by  Al Hiscox

    Powerful words, Fitz! The world would be a much better place if people would listen.

  2.  by  GregOry

    Really great Fitz! Love the part when you said “pay attention to the quiet things because joy is often quiet” I’m taking that one with me and also trying to excercise 365 days a year! Thanks again

  3.  by  Jeremy Baier

    Well done. This was exactly what I needed to hear…already scheduled my trip to the Boundary Waters for late June!