Unlearning Adventure Sports

“I’m learning how to listen to that subconscious voice of caution,” says Carmen Kuntz. “Where I used to feed on the feeling of adrenaline and risk, I now have to avoid risk completely. After a mild traumatic brain injury it’s simple: I’m not allowed to hit my head ever again.”

When an overexcited friend tackled Carmen at a bar and thwacked her head hard on a wooden deck pillar, Carmen had just started to break into the world of competitive, freestyle whitewater kayaking. That moment changed everything. Rather than pointing her kayak into Class V whitewater, for the past four years, Carmen has had to confront a different kind of challenge: the balance between the risk of re-injuring her head and the risk of losing who she is.


You can find more of Carmen’s writing at her website: CarmeneKuntz.com


If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto    • Sonic Roads by Cleod9    • Dark November by Wayne Kinos    • Original Score by Cordelia Zars    • This Song is About You by Ken Christianson    • Islands by John Berry    • Paranoia XXV by The F*cked up Beat    • Afterglow by Cleod9

Tracks provided by Free Music Archive and with permission from the artists.


12 Comments on “The Shorts — Unlearning Adventure Sports

  1.  by  Samantha Kunze

    Hey Carmen, thank you for sharing your story. It’s very inspiring to see that you haven’t given up, dealt with the struggles and continued to charge through. I can’t even Ena gone what must feel to be in your shoes. But I admire the fact that you’ve adapted (and continued adapting) to your new reality in spite of the challenges. Best of luck to you and keep at it! -Samy K

  2.  by  Riverfreak

    Great story and very well told, Carmen. As a kayaker and TBI survivor, I can fully, fully relate. The river is a salve, regardless of its difficulty.

  3.  by  Eva Calgary Travel

    Great discussions are happening here! Definitely a great addition to your bookshelf, Carmen is an excellent inspiration for a lot of people!

  4.  by  jimbosussexmtb

    Thanks for sharing your story, it’s something that resonates with me, as a TBI survivor I can totally relate to everything you went through, though in my case it’s mountainbiking, not kayaking. It gets frustrating when people just see the same old you and don’t realise what you have, or indeed are still, going through.

    •  by  Carmen Kuntz

      Jim, getting back on a bike has been so key for me. I find I’m way less dizzy riding a bike than paddling. I just ride a little slower and stay closer to the ground these days. Adapting beats giving up, every time! I hope you continue to improve and get out on your bike lots!

  5.  by  Alan Wegener

    This is wonderful- and such a great story. However, please consider posting the clinic info directly in the show notes – anytime some story comes up like this – to assist and help others, who may struggle with similar issues. I know many TBI survivors – and the road to “Recovery” is a long one.

    •  by  Carmen Kuntz

      Hi Alan, thanks for listening to my story. The clinic I went to is called NEURO Life and is located at in Marietta, Georgia. The doctors there are incredible, especially Dr. Longyear, Dr. Vestal and Dr. Hall. They treat many euro-related diseases and disorders and are truly healers. Here is the link to their website: https://www.neurolifeinstitute.com. I hope that other people can find hope and healing through my story.

      – Carmen

  6.  by  Max

    Wow, you’re a fighter. Thanks for sharing that story and thanks for your fight for our balkan rivers, Carmen!