“I think being on foot just allows you to walk past a person’s front door. I think that’s really important,” says Rickey Gates.
Rickey learned a lot about his country when ran across the United States. But when he finished, he realized his trip was incomplete and he set out to run every single street in San Francisco. His efforts to get to know the place he calls home ignited a movement of people getting to know their local communities all over the world.
Find maps, photos and more on Rickey’s website.
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • One Day by Bradley Carter • All Together by Cleod9 • Primary Colors by Ken Christianson • Drifting by Cordelia Zars • Auroras by John Berry • The Landing by John Berry • Delivered by Brendan O’Connell • Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.
Thoroughly enjoyed this adventure across the USA & the stories about engaging people. I am not a runner but a walker & have traversed all streets in Larkspur CA & many in Marin County.