Chandra Brown, a veteran river guide, led a five day writers retreat for a group of authors along the U.S Mexico border. While canoeing the Rio Grande they navigate physical challenges, and see the effects of government policies first hand. On their final night, Mother Nature erupts and reinforces the lessons they have learned over the course of the trip.
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Rising Tides by Wildnis • Drifter by Wildnis • Three Valleys by Wildnis • Beacon Rock by Grant Harold • BLKOUT by Coop • Sucka Free by Jupyter • Tarzan’s Rhumba by Dizzy Dizzy Moonshake • Get Over Here by Major Babe • Samsara by Baleen • Evening Chirps by PADELM • Delivered by Brendan O’Connell • Tracks provided by Track Club, Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.
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