
The Great Indoors

Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast community family
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In an unprecedented time, a lot of us are confined to our homes, yet looking for ways to connect, to create and to be of service. As our community tries to adapt to a quickly shifting reality, it seems like a good time to slow down and have a conversation. Here’s to doing our part, looking for the positive, and finding ways to support each other. We’re in this together.


Ideas for supporting our communities during these tough times:

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  • The Wall Cahall by Fitz Cahall and Cordelia Zars

Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.


The UnderDonkey

Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast running
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Leadville, Colorado is a mecca for endurance racing in the United States and home to some of the country’s hardest trails and toughest athletes. In the summer of 2019, ultra runners Marvin Sandoval and Buttercup became unlikely partners and show us what happens when you combine a love of sport, hard work, a 10 foot lead rope, and a dash of crazy.  One thing Marvin learned, “hang on and see what happens.”   Follow Marvin and Buttercup here



Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  Angeline The Baker / Leather Britches by Bradley Carter  •  Back where I belong by Bradley Carter  •  550 by John Berry  •  High Country Waltz by Bradley Carter  •  The Last Wild Mountain by Bradley Carter  •  Primary Colors by Ken Christianson  •  Cloud Layers by Cordelia Zars  •  Polybear by Little Glass Men  •  Brooks by Kai Engel   •  Delivered by Brendan O’Connell Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.


The Shorts — Franked

Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast river relationships
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“In the Frank Church—River of No Return Wilderness, getting “Franked” means waking up mid-summer to a foot of snow on your tent, or losing your sleeping bag to a rapid on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River,” writes Allison Fowle. And, when you’re in the middle of the largest wilderness area in the lower 48, navigating the joys and perils of romance can be just as challenging.

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  Deep Water Solo by Bradley Carter  •  Worst Part by Cleod9  •  Freaks by Bradley Carter  •  The Last Wild Mountain by Bradley Carter  •  Delivered by Brendan O’Connell  •  Tracks provided with permission from the artists.


Bolder Love

Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast climbing love
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When a dirtbag romance starts with a burrito shop and a fire alarm, adventure is bound to follow. Climbers Allen Schaidle and Sara Al-Awadhi who, despite differences in cultures and faiths, fall in love by exploring and climbing together in the UAE. Happy Valentines Day, everyone.

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  April by Kai Engel    • Firediary5 by Ken Christianson  •  Kinesthetics by Bradley Carter  •  Angeline The Baker / Leather Britches by Bradley Carter  •  Delivered by Brendan O’Connell Tracks provided with permission from the artists.


Mr. Hodges

Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast biking education
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Some of the most powerful learning can happen outside the classroom. In the summer of 1975, public school teacher Mr. Hodges took 22 of his students on an unforgettable bike trip that would impact the rest of their lives. Grab your cut-off shorts, a 10-speed bike, and a sense of humor, and you’ll be along for the ride.

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  Nice Impression by Bradley Carter  •  When It Comes by Publish the Quest  •  On The Road by Amy Stolzenbach  •  Moon Shimmers by John Berry  •  Sage Circa by Amy Stolzenbach  •  Freaks by Bradley Carter  •  Drifting by Cordelia Zars  •  Delivered by Brendan O’Connell  •  Tracks provided with permission from the artists.