
The Year of Big Ideas 2020

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When the DC metro shut down the line that Dylan Lewis used daily, he had to refigure his commute. Borrow a car? Uber? Walk 11 miles? What started as an obstacle became an opportunity, with a little ‘out of the blue’ inspiration. Every January, we bring you big goals from our community for the New Year. Whether it’s your goal, a friend’s, or a stranger’s, you might just try something new. Dream big. Happy New Year, everybody. 

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto    •    Snowmen by Kai Engel    •    Sometimes Rhythms by Publish the Quest    •    Spare Parts by Bradley Carter   •    Firediary5 by Ken Christianson    •    The Venturi Effect by Bradley Carter    •    Brothers by Cleod9    •    The Biddy Bong Song by Publish the Quest    •    It Comes Back by Bradley Carter     •    Delivered by Brendan O’Connell Tracks provided with permission from the artists.


Shop Magic

Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast gear shop community
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Great gear shops are like a toy stores filled with skis and bikes, ropes and chalk. Walking through the door can sow the seeds for the next adventure. Friendships begin. Knowledge gets dropped. When a beloved gear shop unexpectedly closed in Seattle, it shocked the local community and left them wondering whether it could be rekindled. In a day of online, convenience shopping, is there still room for the local gear shop?

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  The Threads by Publish the Quest  •  I Am Faint by Ken Christianson  •  The Biddy Bong Song by Publish the Quest   •  Firediary5 by Ken Christianson  •  Home by Publish the Quest  •  Tracks provided with permission from the artists.


All in the Family

Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast family skiing snow
[mb18-podcast_player podcast_mp3_url="https://traffic.megaphone.fm/DTT4345009620.mp3"]

How many feet of snow would you shovel each year to own a rad backcountry ski lodge? Well if you’re the Schaffer family, the answer is 60. Today, we bring you the story of an incredible family business high in the mountains of British Columbia where a love of skiing, hard work and entrepreneurship has been passed between generations.


See more of the Blanket Glacier Chalet

 Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  Frontier by Canyon Kids  •  Cliffrose and Pine by Max Gross Weight  •  Behind Your Window by Kai Engel  •  Double Helix by Nisei23  •  Deep Water Solo by Bradley Carter  •  Falling Into You by Little Glass Men  •  Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.



Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast adventure dogs
[mb18-podcast_player podcast_mp3_url="http://traffic.megaphone.fm/DTT3882362536.mp3"]

“It’s like you’re scared to move forward– you just need something to give you a little nudge,” says Jonah Manning. “You can call it support, but really it’s just like a little bit of a shove forward. And I’ll never forget it, because Widge was certainly that for me.”  Today, we bring you the story of Widge, the ultimate adventure partner. Sometimes when that metaphorical door of adventure opens, you need someone to walk through by your side.  

This episode originally aired on June 26, 2014.

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  Trickery Ran Like Water by Publish the Quest  •  Song of India by Max Gross Weight  •  erik by Fog Lake   •  Frontier by Canyon Kids  •  Chasing Trains by Publish the Quest  •  Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.


The Shorts — Dada Needs Ski Patrol

Dirtbag Diaries outdoor podcast skiing family
[mb18-podcast_player podcast_mp3_url="http://traffic.megaphone.fm/DTT4552893070.mp3"]

When Dan Kostrzewski had an accident with his daughter on the bunny hill, he gained a new perspective on a lifetime of skiing— both as a career and a personal passion.

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  A Finer Line by Jason Tyler Burton  •  Blowback Blues by Canyon Kids  •  Closer to You by Kai Engel  •  The Return by Nisei23  •   Modulation of the Spirit by Little Glass Men  •  Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.