Tales of Terror Vol. 10

Disembodied footsteps, screams in the dark, hooded figures: our tenth annual Tales of Terror might have you questioning who — or what — else shares the trail with you at night. Ryan Cronin, Natalie Rooker, and Bryce Williams bring us their stories today — get ready, you might need a friendly hand to hold. Happy Halloween!
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Comatose by Kai Engel • Warm of Mechanical Heart by Kai Engel • Imminence by Kai Engel • Live @ Bazillus by Aidan Baker • Restless Spirits by David Beard • The Stretch by Cleod9 • Run by Kai Engel • Halloween Dance Macabre by David Beard • Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.
The 50,000 Ft. View
“When I think about it, I’m not happy because I got to the top of some point on the planet,” says Steve Swenson. “I’m happy because of all the things we had to do to get there.” In the summer of 2019, Steve and his climbing partners, Graham Zimmerman, Chris Wright, and Mark Richey, made a first ascent of Link Sar, a 7,041 meter peak in the Karakoram. Steve has been climbing for 50 years and has broken a different kind of trail that younger climbers like Graham can follow.
Read about Steve’s experiences in the Karakoram in his book, Karakoram: Climbing Through the Kashmir Conflict
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Blowback Blues by Canyon Kids • Run by Kai Engel • transcanada by Fog Lake • The Architect by Cleod9 • Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.
Better Than I Found It
“The land doesn’t belong to me, it doesn’t belong to any of us,” says Joshua Tree resident Rand Abbott. “We’re guests here on this earth. It’s my responsibility to make sure that my daughter’s children’s children get to see what Joshua Tree is really like not just from a video or from a book.” Joshua Tree National Park feels like an extension of Rand’s backyard– a place where he can climb, watch wildlife or find solace through big changes in his life. When a partial shutdown of the US government in December 2018 left J-Tree open but unmonitored, Rand became a voice of reason to take care of a place he cherishes.
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Harbor by Kai Engel • erik by Fog Lake • Frontier by Canyon Kids • Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.
The Shorts — Out and Back
A lot of folks like a loop trail or a point-to-point run, but I find something really magical about a good out-and-back. On the way out, I feel one way. Then I turn around and run the same steps back, but I feel different,” writes Anya Miller. When Anya learned that her stepdad had passed away, she immediately headed to her favorite Colorado trail in the Indian Peaks Wilderness to start moving through the overwhelming grief that she felt.
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Labyrinth by Sergey Cheremisinov • Closer to You by Sergey Cheremisinov • Brooks by Kai Engel • Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.
Say the word bike, and words like, fun, freedom, fast, come to mind. But does a tandem bike double the fun or divide the freedom? One thing seems certain, whether you’re headed to collaboration or catastrophe, you’ll get there quicker on a tandem. From adventures with loved ones to cycling with strangers, we bring you five stories of the mythical unicorns of the bicycle community and fates linked by a bike frame and chain. Tandemonium!
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Orca by Little Glass Men • Walking Barefoot on Grass by Kai Engel • Brothers by Cleod9 • Your Pulse by Little Glass Men • 550 by John Berry • Wake Me Up by Publish the Quest • Deep Water Solo by Bradley Carter • July by Kai Engel • Sometimes Rhythms by Publish the Quest • Primary Colors by Ken Christianson • Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.