


There are a lot of serious problems in this world, but the solutions don’t always have to be serious. Fly-fisherman and trail-runner Andrew Todd channeled his concern for Colorado’s native trout and the watersheds that support them into the creation of a joyful, irreverent, event: The Flyathlon.

The rules:

  1. Run 10-miles
  2. Catch a fish
  3. Don’t be a jack-donkey
  4. No fish in your Camelbak that you brought from somewhere else.

Today, we join producer Cordelia Zars–and a group of Flyathletes–on Gunnison, Colorado’s Lake Fork River.

Learn more and register for a Flyathlon at or check out Andrew’s non-profit at


Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto    • Candy by Jahzzar    • Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area by Doctor Turtle    • Goodnight by Jahzzar    • Please Listen Carefully by Jahzzar

Tracks provided by Free Music Archive and with permission from the artists.


The Shorts — The Amazement Meter

The Amazement Meter

Chronic depression and the deaths of a few close friends launched Tyler Dunning on a mission to visit all of the National Parks–to get his head and his heart straight.

He figured out how to support himself by writing for outdoor publications and coordinated logistics to make his way to 53 parks over the course of 8-years. Tyler was on a mission. Until, part way through his project, he lost interest.

“A pang of fear overtook me,” says Tyler, “I’d built an identity around this. I’d turned my outdoor hobby into a makeshift job and into a social expectation. But what happens when the thing you are most known for amongst your cohort—National Park exploration—is no longer rewarding?”


You can find more of Tyler’s work at:, or watch his short film about his journey to all the National Parks.


Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto    • Original Scores by Amy Stolzenbach    • Happy Little Dance by Ken Christianson    • October Morning by Bradley Carter    • Unoriginal Sin by Jason Tyler Burton

Tracks provided with permission from the artists.


Venture Out

Venture Out

“I was working this corporate job, and, every day, I looked out the window and thought, ‘Man, those mountains are so beautiful, I wish I was out there’,” remembers Perry Cohen.

Growing up, Perry was an outdoorsy kid–hiking and cross-country skiing in rural New Hampshire. He was thrilled when, as a teenager, he got to sign up for an Outward Bound course. But the experience left him disappointed. For the first time, he didn’t click with the group.

Perry reconnected strongly with the outdoors in his late thirties, as he transitioned from female to male. Being outside helped Perry have an appreciation for a body that he had felt alienated from. Looking out that window, he realized that he wanted to help other transgender folks get outside.

“I thought there must be some queer outdoor organization leading trips that I could go work for, but I didn’t find one. So, I got despondent for about twenty-four hours, and then I thought to myself, ‘I’ve led a corporate HR department, I understand how to run a business, maybe I should just start one’. And so I did.”


Learn more at


Music: Tension Drums by Bradley Carter    • If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto    • Red Rocks by Bradley Carter    • Gotta Keep Moving by Publish the Quest    • Then What?! by Publish the Quest    • Shine by Publish the Quest    • Monsoon Rains by Publish the Quest

Tracks provided with permission from the artists.


The Shorts — Unlearning Adventure Sports

Unlearning Adventure Sports

“I’m learning how to listen to that subconscious voice of caution,” says Carmen Kuntz. “Where I used to feed on the feeling of adrenaline and risk, I now have to avoid risk completely. After a mild traumatic brain injury it’s simple: I’m not allowed to hit my head ever again.”

When an overexcited friend tackled Carmen at a bar and thwacked her head hard on a wooden deck pillar, Carmen had just started to break into the world of competitive, freestyle whitewater kayaking. That moment changed everything. Rather than pointing her kayak into Class V whitewater, for the past four years, Carmen has had to confront a different kind of challenge: the balance between the risk of re-injuring her head and the risk of losing who she is.


You can find more of Carmen’s writing at her website:


If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto    • Sonic Roads by Cleod9    • Dark November by Wayne Kinos    • Original Score by Cordelia Zars    • This Song is About You by Ken Christianson    • Islands by John Berry    • Paranoia XXV by The F*cked up Beat    • Afterglow by Cleod9

Tracks provided by Free Music Archive and with permission from the artists.


Escape From Beacon Rock

Escape From Beacon Rock

“For me, it was a way to stay connected—literally: tied to my free-range daughter by a length of 10-millimeter climbing rope, and connected to my own dream of being an adventurer,” says David Altschul. “And that was how I found myself, a few days later, on a ledge, high above the Columbia River, in the dark.”

For the past decade, David has told the story of the infamous “Escape From Beacon Rock”–a failed attempt to climb a basalt monolith with his daughter, our producer, Jen. At age 72, it dawned on him that, rather than continue to tell the story of the failed climb, he could connect with his daughter by actually climbing Beacon Rock, and doing it this time as a ‘real’ climber.


Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto    • The Fallen by MC Cullah    • Thicker than Water by Jason Tyler Burton    • Caterpillar by Little Glass Men    • Pale Horse Rider by Vienna Ditto    • Save My Soul by MC Cullah    • Blazing Day by MC Cullah    • Tightrope Walker by Jason Tyler Burton    • Carried Away by Jason Tyler Burton

Tracks provided by Free Music Archive and with permission from the artists.