“We biked through wind, rain, and snow. If lightning struck, we kept going. We only stopped if it got too close. We outran tornadoes in Oklahoma. We waited out a storm in an old horse barn in Montana, huddled like penguins, our bikes cast carelessly aside in the mud,” writes John Flynn. After John lost his mom to cancer, he biked with a group of friends from Texas to Alaska to try to find her again– in the mountains, the rivers, and the solitude of the open road.
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Snowy Daze by Ketsa • Behind Your Window by Kai Engel • The Return by nisei23 • Waves by Sergey Cheremisinov • North Coast Jug Band by John Berry Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.