[mb18-podcast_player podcast_mp3_url="https://traffic.megaphone.fm/DTT4485271974.mp3"]
“I do not remember the ‘first time’ we played hide-n-seek in the barn,” recalls producer Cordelia Zars, “it just always happened.” How do you stay positive when you’re hiding from a pandemic and wildfire smoke with no end in sight? For Cordelia, reflecting on her favorite childhood game brought her some perspective.
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Snowmen by Kai Engel • Walking Barefoot on Grass by Kai Engel • 550 by John Berry • Delivered by Brendan O’Connell
Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.
Wow, you are a really talented writer Cordelia! This story brought me back to my childhood in central Wisconsin in the early 90’s, when all the neighborhood kids would play games in the dark like “manhunt” and “kick-the-can”. Everyone would dress in black, ride their bikes to my house, and we would run through the backyards of our neighborhood like feral children. We were all good kids, so all the neighbors were cool with it.
I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your story; the vivid descriptions, as well as the connections to what we are all going through right now. It made my own memories come flooding back from a simpler time, and and I really enjoyed it. Thanks!
Thanks so much Jeff! I’m glad it brought you back to similar memories of your childhood. It was a gratifying piece to write, and taught me a lot about how much the seemingly frivolous activities of our youth taught us about life. Be well!
Powerful stuff, Cordelia. Had me flashing back to some of my adventures as a kid in the woods.
Who am I kidding… Still a kid in the woods.
Awesome about your family and the Carpenter Ranch as well. What an incredible gift to conservation!
Many thanks for taking me back to a childhood playing tag, catching lightning bugs & of course hide n seek in the 50’s. Winter hide n seek was in the nooks & cranks of the basement in NJ.