Mitch Breton grew up as as devout member of the Catholic Church. He ascended the religious ranks through his childhood, and assumed that one day he would become a priest. Then, he found whitewater paddling. A summer of raft guiding rerouted Mitch’s spiritual journey — from one that had existed within four walls and an altar, to one that flowed with the current of the Kennebec River.
Central Power Maine has proposed a transmission line within the Kennebec River Gorge. You can read the pro and con arguments, and add your voice to the discussion.
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • TSeeker by Kai Engel • I Dare You by Little Glass Men • Sector Vector by Little Glass Men • Crystal Echoes by Sergey Cheremisinov
Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.