Pattie Gonia on The Dirtbag Diaries

Wyn Wiley, better known as Pattie Gonia, went out on a backpacking trip with an inkling of an idea and emerged walking a new path. Today, Pattie Gonia’s feed is filled with joy– making music with famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity, headlining pride festivals, gravel biking– and most of the time it looks fun. But it’s what Wyn and Pattie have done with the decidedly less fun and hard parts of life that have profoundly shaped them. In this interview, Wyn and Fitz go deep on the birth of Pattie, nature as a muse, creativity, and facing fear.

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  • Cloudscape Suspended by PADELM  • Delivered by Brendan O’Connell  •

Tracks provided by Track Club or with permission from the artists.


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