[mb18-podcast_player podcast_mp3_url="http://traffic.megaphone.fm/DTT7895186407.mp3"]
A lot of folks like a loop trail or a point-to-point run, but I find something really magical about a good out-and-back. On the way out, I feel one way. Then I turn around and run the same steps back, but I feel different,” writes Anya Miller. When Anya learned that her stepdad had passed away, she immediately headed to her favorite Colorado trail in the Indian Peaks Wilderness to start moving through the overwhelming grief that she felt.
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • Labyrinth by Sergey Cheremisinov • Closer to You by Sergey Cheremisinov • Brooks by Kai Engel • Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.