In the last few years, Alexandera Houchin has become a force in the world of ultra endurance mountain bike racing. As a Native kid growing up in Wisconsin, she never could have predicted the ways that racing her single speed would prove healing to both her mind and her body. In 2023, she set out to complete the Triple Crown Challenge–  racing the Tour Divide, the Colorado Trail, and the Arizona Trail–  all on a single gear. 

Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto  •  Ships In The Night by JV & The Supermolten  •  Get Free by Holly Hilles  •  RPG by Ghillie Dhu  •  BTR by Jupyter  •  Thicker Than Water by Jason Tyler Burton  •  Where The Morning Glories Grow by Dear Nora    Delivered by Brendan O’Connell

Tracks provided by Track Club or with permission from the artists.


2 Comments on “The Underdog

  1.  by  DeWayne Manon

    “As a Native kid growing up in Northern Minnesota” ?what? If you listen she says she was born in a trailer park by the GM factory in Janesville WI and moved to Madison. So how is this growning up in Northern Minnesota? I realize at some point she moved to or visited the Res. But I live in Janesville and was finding this an inspirational story. I posted it to a local page but had to take it down because your description in inaccurate. I hope this is not some AI generated story to apeal to my algorithm. I enjoy the DBD and like the inspirational stories you but this description and experience will make me put you on the back burner for some time

    •  by  Becca Cahall

      Hi DeWayne– Great catch! Yes, we conflated where she’s living now with where she grew up when writing the description. It’s been corrected. Hope you enjoy listening 🙂