In her early 20’s, Rachel James would run 10,000 vertical feet every week and ski deep into the Alaskan backcountry in her free time. When her life took an unexpected turn, she drew on her experience in the outdoors to help her navigate the most difficult chapter of her life. When the world feels like it’s closing in on you, where do you find your strength?
Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto • The Landing by John Berry • Moon Shimmers by John Berry • Oecumene Sleeps by Kai Engel • Labyrinth by Kai Engel • Happy Little Dance by Ken Christianson • Firediary 5 by Ken Christianson • Delivered by Brendan O’Connell • Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.
This episode spoke to me. I am also a single mother who is looking to find myself again. I’m recovering from a partial knee replacement surgery and am having a hard time not being able to hike or climb. I am struggling to find something to do w myself when I would love to be outside getting after it. I have been slowly getting back to myself by taking my 6 yr old daughter on nature walks to go look for bugs, find spring flowers and just marvel at nature. Thank for the episode about Mother’s Day. Moms tend to be more in service to others and less focused on self, often losing ourselves along the way. I am grateful that all I need to do is to go outside and sit in the dirt to know where I am. My daughter has thankfully developed the same love of nature.
Thanks for the show!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Everything about this episode. Wow!