Greater than the Sum of its Parts

In the fall of 2015, photographer Pete McBride and writer Kevin Fedarko embarked on a journey to rally support to protect one of our most awe-inspiring national treasures: the Grand Canyon. Their method? A 700+ mile sectional thru-hike of the wilderness that lies between the rim and the river. They knew the trek would challenge them, but they had no idea how quickly and completely the canyon would leave them demoralized and physically destroyed.

The two of them were contemplating giving up, when, as Kevin puts it, ‘A miracle happened’.

Today, a story about three people who have dedicated the better part of their lives to developing a unique skill–and a project so complicated and important that it required their cumulative experience to pull it off. It’s also a story about friendship, and how friends working together for a common goal can lead to something greater than the sum of its parts.


You can find Pete’s photography and film at:

To hear more from Kevin, pick up a copy of his book The Emerald Mile or listen to his first Diaries episode, “The Threshold Moment.”

To learn more about Pete and Kevin’s journey, pick up a copy of the September issue of National Geographic, or check out these two articles:  6 Painful Lessons I Learned by Hiking the Grand Canyon” & “Are We Losing the Grand Canyon?”

To learn more about the current threats to the Grand Canyon and what you can do to help, visit:


Music: If Walls Could Talk by Jacob Bain & Nis Kotto    •    Eclosion by Salmo    •    Sunset by Kai Engel    •    Cowgirls by Ken Christianson    •    Something by Kai Engel    •    The Return by nisei23    •    Snowmen by Kai Engel    •    Firediary5 by Ken Christianson    •    Night Without Sleep by David Mumford    •    Done With Dallas by Bradley Carter

Tracks provided by Free Music Archive or with permission from the artists.


1 Comments on “Mileposts — Greater than the Sum of its Parts

  1.  by  bon

    One of my favorite episodes … so humbling and inspiring !