Aloha Life

“Here I was, a professional wilderness instructor with no food or water, a sopping wet tent and wetter sleeping bag, no way to banish the chills or signal that I needed help,” says Emma Walker. “For the first time in my career, I began to think I might need a rescue.”

Emma’s husband Bix has also worked for years as an outdoor guide and educator. So, when the two of them set out on an overnight backpacking trip to a beach on Hawaii’s big island, they were unconcerned–maybe a little too unconcerned.  


You can find more of Emma’s writing at or listen to her other two Shorts, “I Poo: A Love Story” and “Exit Strategy


Music: Simplify by Little Glass Men    •    Waiting for Gyrotron by Little Glass Men    •    Biolumina by Little Glass Men    •    Double Helix by nisei23    •    Wake Me Up by Publish the Quest

Tracks provided by Free Music Archive and with permission from the artists.


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